Pastor Josh

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Welcome! Today, we continue our series discussing the many encounters with water found in scripture. Today's verses include John 5:1-15. We're glad to see you here with us today!

Welcome! Today, we continue our series discussing the many encounters with water found in scripture. Today's verses include John 2:1-12. We're glad to see you here with us today!

Welcome! Today, we continue our series discussing the many encounters with water found in scripture. Today's verses include Joshua 4:1-9. We're glad to see you here with us today!

September brings the new series Come to the Water. The Bible references water hundreds of times. It relates to a wide variety of uses and descriptions. Over the next few weeks, Pastor Josh will lead us on an exploration through many of the watery encounters found within the scriptures.

Join us as Pastor dives into this new series! Don't miss the live stream at 10:30 AM or join us in person!

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